AWS Pricing Woes?

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AWS Pricing Can Be Confusing. Learn How to Save with The Free AWS Cost Optimization Guide

Brought to you by N2WS, an AWS Advanced Technology Partner.

Migrating to AWS is a smart move for business continuity but as you scale your cloud environment, you end up facing a growing data storage bill, too.

Download the FREE AWS Cost Optimization Guide —and learn how to:

Retain snapshots in a low-cost storage tier using third-party data management tools

Fine-tune your compute resources with built-in AWS tools like: CloudWatch, Trusted Advisor, EC2 Right Sizing and more!

Create a “lean cost culture” ...and more!

The good news:

You can learn to manage your resources more efficiently with a few built-in AWS tools to make use of the on-demand, pay-as-you-go AWS pricing model.

This step-by-step guide cuts through AWS pricing confusion with comprehensive strategies to lower your AWS bill right away, in easy-to-understand language.

Get The Free Guide: 7 Ways to Save in AWS